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Electricity Hike

Electric Rates are going UP! How is your electricity usage?

In winter heating can account for over 30% of your bill. But in the heat of summer your AC can be around 70% of your bill! Wow!

To improve performance of your AC System make sure to clear any debris, leaves or obstructions around your AC unit, so that you get better and more efficient air flow...


A seasonal inspection by E.R.A. checks your Air Conditioner:

Filter & Cooling Coil & Condenser Coil

& Refrigerant Level

A clean system allows clear air flow increasing efficiency and decreasing drag on electricity!

Age of equipment over 12 years will decrease efficiency and significantly increase your electricity usage.

We have rebates and promotions you can catch to help for an update.


So teach your family to turn out those extra lights.

Here are 10 easy tips to help keep your energy bills down.

  1. Wear the right clothes. Dress for the temperature. ...

  2. Shut doors and close curtains. ...

  3. Set your thermostat. ...

  4. Turn heaters and coolers off when you don't need them. ...

  5. Wash clothes using cold water. ...

  6. Run your fridge efficiently. ...

  7. Insulate your roof. ...

  8. Stop standby power waste...

To save energy with air conditioning the only real method is to increase temperature of your home, in hotter climates this may not be ideal. Staying cool by taking cold showers or using small portable fans can help. If you live in a hot climate your cooling costs can be significant, around 70% of your electricity bill. Investing in an energy efficient central conditioner unit fit precisely for the size of your home would be ideal...

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